Thursday, June 18, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009

Audrey new puppy...."Oreo"

Vacation for a few days.....

Audrey was telling Taylor something not sure that Taylor was carrying to much about it though....


2nd Day our plans were to stay at Stone Moutain all Day and you can see that didnt work out it rained we decided to go to the Laser Show and we got soaked we were so crazy but there were so many crazy people just like us sitting out in the pouring down rain to watch a show on the moutain....It wasnt the most exiciting thing that I have ever done due to it had rained so much and we were so wet and cold and there was fog to the point that we couldnt see the show real good.......
The mountain was beautiful the water coming off the side of it....

They had flip flops on and it made it that much harder to walk up hills with it raining so hard.....
This was so funny...we were totally soaked...
Taylor was trying to help Audrey get in her pancho like this was going to keep them dry..NOT!

3rd Day Friday.... Our Day at Six Flags....the weather was great!

They were chillin'

Mom and Audrey got soaked! It was funny....

Mom and Taylor were very tired and ready to go home....

Dont Audrey look so exicted this was the end of the day!
Audrey looks like a moose here she has horns from something that was behind