I went back today and read some of the older devotions that I had wrote over the last year....wow at the time of writing these I never knew what was headed my way.
We all go through trials and temptations the important thing to remember is when going through these times is that we always keep our eyes upon the Lord. My life has changed so much over the last few months. I have had ups and downs just like everyone else in life. There is some things that I have went through that the Lord has taught me many lessons. One of my biggest lessons I guess that I have learned is to always keep my eyes turned toward the Lord never let anything weather it be a person, a lifestyle, or anything that you can think of get your eyes off of the Lord. If we take our eyes off of Him and try to make things work without His approval we are headed for a road of destruction, and I hate to say this but I was headed in that direction. I thought I was doing everything right not knowing that I was fixing to make the biggest mistake of my life. I tried to lie to myself and make myself believe that I was the happiest woman around knowing deep in my heart that I was not happy at all I was just tired of being in the place that I was and was trying to make myself have a "normal" life as I had always put it. I begin to pray Lord help me feel happy if the decisions I have made are not right send something my way to let me know before it is to late and wow the Lord did just that and my eyes were opened widely.
I thank the Lord for never giving up on me even when at times I may give up on myself. I am thankful that he never says I am tired of messing with you I don't want to go through this today. If He did that I along with all of us would be in a big mess! I am thankful for the saints of God that the Lord has placed in my life to pray for me. My eyes were opened and my life has changed although the circumstances have changed there is still alot of things that the Lord is working out in my life there is a lot of hurt, there is a lot of understanding that needs to be understood but I know that the Lord will give me all the answers and heal the hurts and carry me through the storm.
I heard this song yesterday and it has stuck with me and explains my life as of now....maybe it can help someone else as well......Name of it is The Unexpected Storm....
anymore It seems my whole world has fell apart and right now you're wondering does the master even see does he know where I'm standing has he forgotten about me. Well the unexpected storm it hasn't caught me by surprise for right now he is watching you and thou he will see you through safe on the other side you don't have to be afraid through the thunder and the rain in the shelter of his arms he'll keep you safe from harm through the unexpected storm. Every storm has a reason though it's hard to understand every trial has a purpose for its all just a part of his plan through all of your questions he would never leave your side oh but he'll be your refuge until your storm passes by.
Everyone be blessed........
This is so well needed. Thank you so much!